Staff Profile | School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics

My research interests encompass branching-coalescing particle systems and diffusion processes, particularly (but not exclusively) as models of population genetics. I'm also interested in Bayesian nonparametric inference, as well as the theory and practice of Monte Carlo methods and computational statistics.

I'm a member of the tskit developer group, and in particular, have worked on the msprime package for simulating genome-scale data. I'm also an associate researcher on the MathRad programme on mathematical modelling of radiation transport.

I'm supervising three PhD students based at Warwick: Alicia Gill, Ian Roberts, and Sizhe Zhou. I'm also an informal co-supervisor of Marta Dai Pra at HU Berlin.

My previous PhD students include:

Grants with which I've been involved are:

  • EPSRC research grant EP/V049208/1, Mathematical foundations of non-reversible MCMC for genome-scale inference (£80k), 2021-22 (as PI).
  • EPSRC New Investigator Award EP/R044732/1, Exact scalable inference for coalescent processes (£100k), 2018-20 (as PI).
  • DFG SPP1819 start-up grant, Population genomics of highly fecund codfish (16k€). As Co-PI, joint with Bjarki Eldon (PI) and Maite Wilke Berenguer (Co-PI).
  • Icelandic Centre for Research Grant of Excellence 185151-051, Population genomics of highly fecund codfish. As collaborator, PIs: Einar Arnason (corresponding PI, University of Iceland), Katrin Halldorsdottir (University of Iceland), Alison Etheridge (University of Oxford), Wolfgang Stephan (Berlin Natural History Museum), Bjarki Eldon (Berlin Natural History Museum).

In 2022 I was awarded the Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award.
