St. Paul Minnesota Temple - Church News

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Announced: July 29, 1998.

Location: 2150 N. Hadley Ave., Oakdale, MN55128; phone: (651) 748-5910; no clothing rental.

Site: 7.5 acres, including adjoining meetinghouse.

Exterior finish: Light gray granite veneer.

Temple design: Classic modern.

Architect: Ed Kodet, Jr. of kodet Architect Group Ltd., and Church A&E Services.

Project manager: Cory Karl.

Contractor: Walbridge Aldinger.

Rooms: Celestial room, baptistry, two ordinance rooms and two sealing rooms.

Total floor area: 10,700 square feet.

Dimensions: 149 feet by 77 feet.

District: Nine stakes in Minnesota, parts of Wisconsin and Manitoba.

Groundbreaking, site dedication: Sept. 26, 1998, by Elder Hugh W. Pinnock of the Seventy and president of the North America Central Area.

Dedication: Jan. 9, 2000, by President Gordon B. Hinckley; 4 sessions.

Dedicatory Prayer

Done by President Gordon B. Hinckley

Holy Father, Thou great Elohim, the God of all generations of mankind, we bow reverently before Thee on this historic Sabbath when we dedicate Thy Holy House.

Acting in the authority of Thy divine priesthood and in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we consecrate and dedicate unto Thee and unto Him this the St. Paul Minnesota Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

It is our gift, dear Father, which we present with thanks for the opportunity of doing so and with hearts made glad by this sacred privilege.

May the presence of Thy Holy Spirit be felt by all who enter here. May Thy glory rest down upon them, "and upon this Thy house,…that it may be sanctified and consecrated to be holy, and that Thy holy presence may be continually in this house;

"And that all people who should enter upon the threshold of the Lord's house may feel thy power, and feel constrained to acknowledge that thou hast sanctified it, and that it is thy house, a place of thy holiness" (D&C 109:12-13).

We dedicate the grounds on which it stands, with the vegetation growing thereon which in the season of summer will add to the beauty of this Thy house. We dedicate the structure from the footings to the figure of Moroni. We dedicate the baptismal font wherein will be performed ordinances for the dead. We dedicate the facilities used for the initiatory ordinances, the endowment rooms, the beautiful celestial room, the sealing rooms with their sacred altars, and every other facility belonging to this temple of the Lord.

May it stand securely against the storms of nature. May no unhallowed hand deface or desecrate it in any way. May all who serve herein do so with singleness of purpose, with love for Thee and for Thy Beloved Son, and for the accomplishment of the work of eternity for which it has been built.

We pray for the temple presidency, for the matron and her assistants, for all associated with them in carrying forward the ordinances herein administered. We pray for all who shall come as patrons that they may ever look upon this service as a labor of love performed in the spirit of the Redeemer who gave His life for all mankind. May the wonder and the majesty of that great act of atonement enter the minds and hearts of all who serve here in behalf of those beyond the veil of death.

Father, this sanctified structure has been made possible by the faithful tithe payers of the Church throughout the world. Wherever they may be, reward their faith with blessings abundantly showered upon them. May Thy watch care be over them and may Thy prospering hand direct them as they walk in faithfulness before Thee.

Bless Thy cause and kingdom that it shall move forward across the earth in fulfillment of Thy word and promise. Bless the messengers of eternal truth who go out into the world from this sacred house that Thy endowment may be upon them, that their testimonies may be certain and unwavering, that they will be led to those who will accept the truths of the eternal gospel.

We thank Thee for the nation in which this temple stands. We thank Thee for the privilege of worshiping Thee according to the dictates of conscience, and pray that we may forever enjoy the great blessings of freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of worship. Let Thy blessings rest upon this nation, and upon this state that those in government may look with favor upon Thy people.

With gratitude, with a spirit of prayer in our hearts, with shouts of hosanna unto Thee and Thy Son, we offer our thanks, and our petitions for Thy blessings and do it all as Thy faithful sons and daughters in the name of the Redeemer of the world, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Fire damages Minnesota temple

By Associated Press

Authorities suspect arson in an early morning fire at the St. Paul Minnesota Temple, the Associated Press reported Sept. 10. The temple is located in the suburb of Oakdale.

Smoke and fire were reported in the front entry of the temple shortly before 3 a.m. Fire Chief Jeff Anderson said it was mostly out by the time firefighters arrived.

The fire was mostly confined to the front doors, but the fire chief said some light smoke got into a front room. Damage is estimated at $25,000.

Investigators found no signs of forced entry, and authorities don't believe the case is a hate crime.

Scott Trotter, a spokesman for the Church in Salt Lake City, said the temple's normal schedule of operation was not interrupted.

Community assists with temple open house

By Janet Kruckenberg

Church News correspondent

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The spirit of the St. Paul temple is radiating in the community through the recent public open house, said Richard Halverson, coordinator for the St. Paul Minnesota Temple open house and dedication.

Some 27,042 visitors toured the temple during the holiday season, including 1,282 community leaders and other special guests, said Brother Halverson, who is also first counselor in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission presidency.

Leading the special tours were Elder Hugh W. Pinnock of the Seventy and president of the North America Central Area, and Elder Thomas A. Holt of Minneapolis, an Area Authority Seventy.

President Halverson explained that 40,000 invitations were printed and all given out by members along with the invitations which were sent to community leaders.

He said that with the assistance of members knowledgeable in the newspaper business, a newspaper insert was developed and half a million copies were distributed to Minneapolis-St. Paul area homes and businesses through general newspaper delivery.

The insert explained many of the teachings of the Church and its development during the past 150 years in Minnesota.

He said that the community has been very helpful. For example, "the coat racks were donated by the high school and the bleachers for the choir were donated by the city."

"The neighbors have been so favorable. We were worried about the neighbor next door to the temple, wondering if the temple night lights would bother her.

But as this neighbor "came through one of the neighborhood tours, she said, 'It's just so wonderful to see those beautiful lights on the building.'"

Multi-stake Director of Public Affairs Vicki Reid said that each community leader was invited by letter from a member he or she knew personally.

Sister Reid said the mayor of St. Paul attended, along with three U. S. congressmen and several judges. She said the mayor commented that it was "really great that you are opening this up to the public." Twenty-one children's choirs sang for open house guests.

"We also invited extensively the interfaith community," said Sister Reid. "The chief administrator of a college affiliated with the Baptist Church said, 'I appreciate the opportunity to hear about your church firsthand instead of through the usual rumors.' "

One of the tours was given for those involved in family history organizations in the community.

"Three TV stations came," said Sister Reid. "Two came twice. One did extensive interviewing of members for three hours, asking what it was like to grow up as a Latter-day Saint in Minnesota."
