Human shit stain Colton Underwood goes naked for photoshoot

Love the two earings.....go vote for Trump again you whore.

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by Anonymousreply 74July 10, 2021 3:41 PM

How many times are you guys gonna post this? He doesn’t even look good in the pics

by Anonymousreply 1July 2, 2021 3:49 PM

The desperation is starting early.

I hadn't expected the rehab story until 2022, but looking like Christmas at this rate.

by Anonymousreply 2July 2, 2021 3:49 PM

Apparently, he's now realized that "hot" body among straight folk and "hot" among gay folk are two different things entirely, so has taken steps accordingly.

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by Anonymousreply 3July 2, 2021 3:52 PM

Why is it that the only openly gay figures the media respects are MAGAts? There are plenty of non deplorables to give support to.

by Anonymousreply 4July 2, 2021 3:54 PM

r4 exactly. Why are we lifting him up? Let Dee Dee Plorable gawk over him.

by Anonymousreply 5July 2, 2021 3:57 PM

Meh. I still like him better than Aaron Schock.

by Anonymousreply 6July 2, 2021 3:58 PM

Meh, but I would be glad to have some of his lesser quality shit rubbed on me if he has the time.

Colton- call me.

by Anonymousreply 7July 2, 2021 3:59 PM

What is that scent Colton wears? Is is the unmistakable aroma of Famewhore by Calvin Klein?

by Anonymousreply 8July 2, 2021 4:01 PM

If he does vote for Trump. He's dead to me, as is the newly out football player. Nothing worse than gay Trumpers.

by Anonymousreply 9July 2, 2021 4:09 PM

Those "naked" photos aren't even as risqué as photos posted every day by Instahos, porn stars and other reality-turned-porn stars.

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by Anonymousreply 10July 2, 2021 4:24 PM

Was just about to say the same thing, r10.

I’ve seen more risqué photos on billboards in Time Square.

by Anonymousreply 11July 2, 2021 4:26 PM

[quote]Meh. I still like him better than Aaron Schock.

I believe that's the inverse of bad to worse.

by Anonymousreply 12July 2, 2021 4:26 PM

R3 he looks better there than now

by Anonymousreply 13July 2, 2021 4:28 PM

OP you are worse than Hitler.

by Anonymousreply 15July 2, 2021 4:32 PM

He’s fugly.

Maybe in a cage with a hood he’d be fuckable. Interesting though… no ass shots. Flat ass?

by Anonymousreply 16July 2, 2021 4:43 PM

[quote] He’s fugly.

please post a pic of yourself sir, if this man is fugly, you must be Adonis himself

by Anonymousreply 17July 2, 2021 5:09 PM

Wait how do we know he voted for trump? I know with NASSIB all proof point to it. What’s out there about Colton?

by Anonymousreply 19July 4, 2021 12:03 PM

Do you think they purposely posed him like a primate?

by Anonymousreply 20July 4, 2021 12:07 PM

How long before he starts showing up in private party videos with Aaron Schock?

by Anonymousreply 21July 4, 2021 12:08 PM

He's the definition of stupid hunk. I'd love to meet him and fuck him.

by Anonymousreply 22July 4, 2021 12:10 PM

[quote]Human shit stain Colton Underwood goes naked for photoshoot

They just don't make "naked" like they used to.

by Anonymousreply 23July 4, 2021 12:12 PM

Is he still searching for the BATHHOUSE BANDIT?....Surely an alleged stalker like Colton can find him?....Theory = Maybe Colton couldn't afford the entrance fee at the bathhouse and came up with the extortion angle to get a refund?...Some fun theories on which "gay spa" he went to---in the LINK.

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by Anonymousreply 25July 4, 2021 12:22 PM

He's hot--that's about it. Dime a dozen. NEXT.

by Anonymousreply 26July 4, 2021 12:59 PM

Dump the earrings. Colton looks like a used up gay porn star.

by Anonymousreply 27July 4, 2021 1:03 PM

I'd love him to sit on my face

by Anonymousreply 30July 4, 2021 1:50 PM

The name “Colton” is too dreadful. Make it go away.

by Anonymousreply 32July 4, 2021 1:56 PM

r14 did you see all the shots - he is naked in some holding his jeans in front of his junk. It's still naked. If there was cock shots I woud have said. Relax Francis

by Anonymousreply 33July 4, 2021 2:57 PM

I hate when they call unclothed photoshoots that show nothing "naked" photoshoots. He doesn't even show ass for crying out loud.

by Anonymousreply 34July 4, 2021 3:40 PM

R34 considering his fanbase is 13 yo straight girls, better not

by Anonymousreply 35July 4, 2021 3:43 PM

That headline was uncalled for. Calling him a shit stain.

You sound twisted and very bitter OP.

What has made you so obviously jealous of him?

by Anonymousreply 36July 4, 2021 3:48 PM

I'd eat his dirty pooper .

by Anonymousreply 39July 4, 2021 3:57 PM

Do you think he timed his "workout goals" with his coming out?

by Anonymousreply 40July 4, 2021 4:56 PM

R40 NO. Nothing was calculated

by Anonymousreply 41July 4, 2021 4:59 PM

Colton is a nobody, and has done nothing to indicate any human-shitstainistic qualities. Aaron Schock, for example, would be an actual human shitstain.

Also, there is no actual nakedness in this photoshoot. Hence, no verificatia of sizemeat.

by Anonymousreply 42July 4, 2021 5:07 PM

R39, he looks like his pooper is dirty all the time.

by Anonymousreply 43July 4, 2021 6:59 PM

Other than the earrings he looks like every other clone who understands how perilously close she is to the wrong side of 40.

by Anonymousreply 44July 4, 2021 7:03 PM

There is no wrong side to 40. There's only LIFE and DEATH.

by Anonymousreply 45July 4, 2021 7:08 PM

Why is this fool posing like Gollum in #4 and #9? Moron.

by Anonymousreply 46July 4, 2021 7:35 PM

I don't know why but I want to say he looks like a goober.

by Anonymousreply 47July 4, 2021 7:38 PM

But yes, Aaron Shock is infinitely worse than this guy. This guy just doesn't seem particularly bright but he's not evil. Shock on the other hand voted against gay rights while being one himself. And he never really apologized for this cunty actions. And then he expected the love and support of the gay community!

by Anonymousreply 48July 4, 2021 7:42 PM

^ Oh, that's appropriate. Freak.

by Anonymousreply 50July 4, 2021 7:54 PM

He’s got a nice body. He’s fairly good looking. But his fame who ring is a complete turnoff.

by Anonymousreply 51July 4, 2021 7:57 PM

He seems dumb as a rock but where do you get “shitstain” from, OP?

by Anonymousreply 52July 4, 2021 8:07 PM

dark blonds that are hairy are sexy.

by Anonymousreply 53July 4, 2021 8:13 PM

I can already see in those photos the disaster that is going to be Fat Colton Underwood.

by Anonymousreply 54July 4, 2021 8:41 PM

Aaron Schocks Past is Colton Underwood Present is Pete Buttigiegs Future....Pete is going to find his inner Hollywood Whoreness--probably in about 3 years.

by Anonymousreply 55July 5, 2021 2:53 AM

Like all these guys who come out, they know their commercial value for a straight audience is nil so they quickly try to drum up a gay fan base.

They take a bunch of shirtless photos (because apparently that’s all we need) in an effort to become a gay icon of sorts.

Sadly, he doesn’t have any other talent because being gay only gets you so far on its own

by Anonymousreply 56July 5, 2021 3:04 AM

The pics are sexy… so what?

by Anonymousreply 57July 5, 2021 3:05 AM

I came for ass and was left disappointed.

by Anonymousreply 58July 5, 2021 3:06 AM

He is a media whore, possibly a Trumptard but those of you calling him ugly sound like ugly old hags who type fat.

by Anonymousreply 60July 5, 2021 4:38 AM

He comes off far far better than a lot of the bitter queens in this thread.

I'd rather hang out with him than some of the embittered queens dishing him here for really no good reason.

You all just come across as slightly unhinged to be essentially jealous of someone you don't know and has no bearing on your life.

by Anonymousreply 61July 5, 2021 5:07 AM

Naked isn't naked unless the cock, balls and ass make an appearance.

by Anonymousreply 62July 5, 2021 5:13 AM

Too hairy. And what's with the earrings? Despite face and height, I don't find him that ghewd-lewking

by Anonymousreply 63July 5, 2021 5:47 AM

The caftan wearing brigade here are very picky.

Equally so the fem gays who too usually pollute these type of threads with their bitterness.

The blubber and swish in this thread is palpable.

by Anonymousreply 64July 5, 2021 6:02 AM

[quote] he looks like his pooper is dirty all the time.

He frequently talks about the fact that he always goes commando, and sleeps in the nude. So stains may be a part of his life.

by Anonymousreply 65July 10, 2021 2:36 AM

[quote]I'd rather hang out with him than some of the embittered queens dishing him here for really no good reason

Oh, we are sure that you would. We're also sure that he'd take a pass on that. Haha

by Anonymousreply 66July 10, 2021 10:46 AM

Colton Underwood is SO sexy that I get the same excitment watching him and imagining him quite deep in me, as, say, you know when it's like your birthday, and your friends organize a chemsex party for you, and you're fucked and fisted by everybody but you CAN'T SEE, because of the blindfold ? He's THAT hot

by Anonymousreply 67July 10, 2021 12:16 PM

Um, we’ll just say, ‘yup’ and move on.

by Anonymousreply 68July 10, 2021 1:54 PM

Colton Underwood is the living embodiment of a long yawn.

by Anonymousreply 69July 10, 2021 2:03 PM

OP is a fucking liar, he is not naked.

by Anonymousreply 70July 10, 2021 2:10 PM

I’ll vote for anyone I want to you fucking losers.

by Anonymousreply 71July 10, 2021 2:14 PM

"Underwood," you say? Is she a deviled ham heiress or a typewriter heiress?

by Anonymousreply 72July 10, 2021 2:21 PM
