Michael Jackson's half-sister talks growing up with Joe

Joh'Vonnie Jackson, 43, is the lovechild of Joe Jackson and Cheryle Terrell

Joh'Vonnie Jackson, 43, is the lovechild of Joe Jackson and Cheryle Terrell

Michael Jackson's half-sister has revealed the full extent of dad Joe's passionate 25-year love affair behind wife Katherine's back.

Joh'Vonnie has told of her heartache at being shunned by the famous family her whole life.

But now in an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com she lays bare the truth behind her upbringing and how Joe treated her like a 'daddy's girl,' while cruelly dishing out beatings to her siblings.

Jackson patriarch Joe, now 89, met pretty secretary Cheryle Terrell in the early 70s and the pair quickly became lovers.

And when love-child Joh'Vonnie was born on August 30, 1974 - a day after Jackson's 16th birthday - most married men would have run a mile. But devoted Joe - who already had nine children - stood by his mistress and secretly raised their child in a house just five miles from the marital home in Encino, California.

Joh'Vonnie opens her heart about the lovable rogue who raised her against all the odds in her new book 'Bastard Child'.

Joh'Vonnie - born the day after Michael's 16th birthday - is the product of a 25-year affair Joe Jackson had with her mom Cheryle Terrell (pictured)

Joh'Vonnie - born the day after Michael's 16th birthday - is the product of a 25-year affair Joe Jackson had with her mom Cheryle Terrell (pictured). Terrelle died in 2014 

Joh'Vonnie's mother Cheryle and Joe Jackson first met in the early 1970s Cheryle was in her 20s and worked as a secretary at the police department in Los Angeles

Her parents first met at a Christmas party in the early 1970s. Cheryle was in her 20s and worked as a secretary at the police department in Los Angeles

She describes a loving father who dropped by to see his secret second family almost daily, lavished his daughter with gifts and took her and mom Cheryle on weekend breaks and family vacations.

Joe spent so much time at Joh'Vonnie's house that he even kept a luxury boat - a symbol of his success in the record industry - on their driveway for 20 years.

The boat, called Zulu Warrior, was a reminder to Joh'Vonnie and her mom of Joe's fame and fortune.

'Daddy would come zooming through the gates in his two-seater Mercedes or Rolls Royce,' recalls Joh'Vonnie, 43.

'He'd be hungry and his dinner would be cooked. My mother was an excellent cook.

'He would come round most days sometimes without warning, he was very much a presence in my life, I was a daddy's girl.'

Joh'Vonnie fondly remembers watching 80s TV show Kung Fu Theater and professional wrestling with her dad while sat on the sofa eating popcorn together.

And she said she couldn't bear the excitement over what gifts 'daddy' would bring.

'I would be so excited, he would bring me presents, my favorite black walnut ice cream. I was spoiled rotten,' she said.

'He was very loving and nicknamed me Jobie and often called me sweet-potato or Sally-Mae.'

Joh'Vonnie said her father would bring her a different doll back from every one of his globe-trotting trips.

The Jackson family patriarch already had nine children but still stood by his mistress and secretly raised their child in a house just five miles from the marital home in Encino, California

The Jackson family patriarch already had nine children but still stood by his mistress and secretly raised their child in a house just five miles from the marital home in Encino, California

Joh'Vonnnie described Joe as a loving father who dropped by to see his secret second family almost daily, lavished his daughter with gifts and took her and mom Cheryle on weekend breaks and family vacations

Joh'Vonnnie described Joe as a loving father who dropped by to see his secret second family almost daily, lavished his daughter with gifts and took her and mom Cheryle on weekend breaks and family vacations

'When I was born he was in Brazil and he came back with a Brazilian doll that hung on the wall by my crib,' she said.

'He would bring me dolls from every country he visited, China, England, Germany.'

At weekends Joe would come round and tend to a vegetable patch in the back garden.

'We had over an acre and we would tend the garden together,' she recalls.

'Daddy loved to cook the vegetables he had grown, he'd bring them right in the house real fresh, green beans everything.

'Daddy and I did a lot together. Every Sunday we were at the lake fishing on daddy's boat. I would sit in the sun while he fished, it was wonderful.'

Amazingly, Joe even took Joh'Vonnie and Cheryle on a sunshine break to Florida over Christmas.

'We went to Orlando most years, we'd go to Disney, exchange gifts and had a great time,' said Joh'Vonnie.

The timeshare industry worker, who now lives with daughter Yasmine, 23, in Las Vegas not far from dad Joe, added: 'Katherine doesn't celebrate Christmas because she's a Jehovah's Witness, that made it real easy for him.'

Joh'Vonnie recalls one particular Christmas when she was ill and bed-ridden.

'Daddy got me out of bed, marched me around the house like in the Nutcracker, then we went back to my room and there was a tree he had decorated in my closet.

'He can do a lot of nice things, he was a good father.'

Joh'Vonnie says her parents first met at a Christmas party in the early 1970s. 

Katherine Jackson believed her husband was away on business trips while he was really spending time with his second family. Katherine later found about his affair but her devotion to the Jehovah's Witness faith led her to forgive him and accept Joh'Vonnie

Katherine Jackson believed her husband was away on business trips while he was really spending time with his second family. Katherine later found about his affair but her devotion to the Jehovah's Witness faith led her to forgive him and accept Joh'Vonnie

Family insiders claim that Michael resented Joh'Vonnie because his father favored her over the rest of his siblings

Family insiders claim that Michael resented Joh'Vonnie because his father favored her over the rest of his siblings

Her famous siblings: Joh'Vonnie also claims her dad was as strict with her as he famously was with the rest of the Jackson family. Pictured above left to right: Rebbie, Randy, LaToya, Michael, Jackie, Marlon, Janet, and Tito Jackson

Her famous siblings: Joh'Vonnie also claims her dad was as strict with her as he famously was with the rest of the Jackson family. Pictured above left to right: Rebbie, Randy, LaToya, Michael, Jackie, Marlon, Janet, and Tito Jackson

Cheryle was in her 20s and worked as a secretary at the police department in Los Angeles.

'Daddy had been invited to the LAPD's Christmas party when my mother's friend said, "look there's Joe Jackson,"' said Joh'Vonnie.

'Momma didn't know who he was, she'd never heard of him, and then he walked up to her and introduced himself.

'He was really charming and he asked her what her favorite candy bar was.

'She was like, "erm, Milky Way." The next day he showed up at her job with five of them.'

Joe's smooth talking and romantic gestures quickly won Cheryle over and the pair embarked on a passionate affair.

But the 20-year age gap didn't make things easy.

'Mom wasn't even sure she liked him, he wasn't her type and he was married,' said Joh'Vonnie.

'It didn't sit well with her parents at all, my father was the same age as my grandmother.'

Joh'Vonnie also reveals that over the years some of her siblings have suggested her mom was a Jackson fan, obsessed with Joe.

But for Joh'Vonnie that couldn't be further from the truth.

Joh'Vonnie keeps in touch with her half-sister Rebbie, the eldest of the siblings, who she says is the only one 'really cares.' Above they are pictured with their father 

Joh'Vonnie keeps in touch with her half-sister Rebbie, the eldest of the siblings, who she says is the only one 'really cares.' Above they are pictured with their father 

Joh'Vonnie met her half-sister Janet when she was 15, but she claims the singer never wanted to have a relationship with her

Joh'Vonnie met her half-sister Janet when she was 15, but she claims the singer never wanted to have a relationship with her

'My mother is an attractive lady and he saw her and had to have her,' she said.

'He did all the chasing, Daddy had to keep up with my mother, she was very independent and he liked that.'

After Joh'Vonnie was born Joe seemingly fitted the mold of 'perfect dad.'

He was loving, caring, attentive and gave Cheryle and the new baby as much time as he could muster.

But with the secret life he was leading also came a darker side.

Joe would go to extremes to hide Joh'Vonnie and her mom away from prying eyes.

'My life was hush-hush, there was grocery stores we couldn't shop at, there were places we couldn't go in our own neighborhood,' recalls Joh'Vonnie.

'If we went to watch a movie we would have to go miles out, my dad loves to watch movies, it was a real inconvenience when there was a movie theater right down the street.

'Joe was scared of a reporter seeing us, somebody taking pictures and putting it in a news article and then have to go home to discuss this with an angry wife.'

But the secrecy came at a cost - the little girl was unable to lead a normal childhood.

'Every time I went somewhere he would drum it into me that I shouldn't talk about our family's business,' said Joh'Vonnie.

'I wasn't allowed to have anyone over to the house, I complained and stomped my feet and told him, "daddy I don't have any friends."

'So he took me to a dog kennel and we bought two German Shepherd puppies called Lady and Big Foot.

''He said 'there you go, there's your friends, play with them.''

Family insiders claim that the rift between Joh'Vonnie and Michael stemmed from his resentment that Joe favored her over the rest of his siblings Michael had a tumultuous relationship with his father as a child

Family insiders claim that the rift between Joh'Vonnie and Michael stemmed from his resentment that Joe favored her over the rest of his siblings

'But I remember one time daddy came roaring down the driveway in his Rolls Royce and ran over the foot of one of my dogs, I was so upset.

'But he just said he was teaching the dogs to get out of his way.'

And while Joe came over to the house almost every day he was careful not to stay too long.

'He didn't always stay the night, I don't think Katherine would have allowed that,' said Joh'Vonnie.

'But him and mom definitely still had a close, loving relationship.'

Joh'Vonnie also claims her dad was as strict with her as he famously was with the rest of the Jackson family. 

And while Joh'Vonnie wasn't subjected to that level of violence, she says she was on the receiving end of regular 'whoopings'.

The fact she was a problem child who bunked off school and received poor grades didn't help her cause.

'The whoopings were memorable,' recalls Joh'Vonnie.

'One particular time I got an F in Math and he just didn't play that.

In her new book Bastard Child, she describes being mentally tortured by her older brothers and sisters and cruelly snubbed at music concerts and family events

In her new book Bastard Child, she describes being mentally tortured by her older brothers and sisters and cruelly snubbed at music concerts and family events

'He talked to me about it and I thought I was home free, he was walking out the door and he turned and said, "Nah, I'm gonna have to whoop ya otherwise you'll turn round and get another F."

'He whooped me with his belt I just had to take it.

'And I was a stubborn little lady and refused to cry which made him even angrier.'

But the next day Joe would be filled with guilt after disciplining his 'blue-eyed girl.'

'There would be ice cream, he felt bad he had to whoop me. I never held any of it against him,' said Joh'Vonnie.

Joe - a powerful music manager throughout the 60s, 70s, and 80s - kept his secret family hidden for years.

His busy career meant he could justify trips away at a moments notice.

'Katherine believed Joseph was away on business when he was probably away with us for the weekend,' said Joh'Vonnie.

'While Katherine knew about the affair and also about me, I'm not sure that she knew the full extent of daddy's relationship with us.'

Joe's hectic showbiz lifestyle inevitably spilled over into Joh'Vonnie and her mother's lives.

In 1988, 14-year-old Joh'Vonnie proudly graduated from junior high school and her dad was invited to the ceremony.

Unfortunately, he turned up to the event with eight stunning models.

'It was humiliating,' recalls Joh'Vonnie. 'They were models from Africa, Spain, Sweden, I called them the ballerinas.

'Daddy's just a card, he's a mess, I was so embarrassed. I felt humiliated and cried.

'My Math teacher was one of my closest friends and I was embarrassed she saw that.

'The women even came back to my house for a graduation party that consisted of them, my mom and dad, my grandparents and my uncle.'

In her early 20s, Joh'Vonnie and her daughter Yasmine moved in with Joe in Las Vegas when he lived away from the family home.

She worked as a baggage handler at the local airport and insisted on paying her way.

When Yasmine turned two, Joe's 25-year affair with Cheryle began to crumble.

'Mom was just tired of his s***, she just realized she didn't want to do it anymore, it's hard to get out of a relationship like that,' explains Joh'Vonnie.

'My mother didn't take any hand outs, she had a job all her life, bought her own cars, he liked that quality in her.


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'She was also very loyal, she never spoken out about their relationship.

'But in the end what woman can take being second best to another.'

Joh'Vonnie remains realistic about her parents' actions.

'What my mother did was not right, but people make mistakes and when she met my father she was young, she was in her 20s.

'She got stuck in that situation and I feel she wasted her life on my dad.

'But despite everything that has happened I still love them both.'

Cheryle passed away in 2014 but Joh'Vonnie still has a close if 'complex' relationship with her father.

She has lived with him on and off over the years, but now lives just a few miles away from him in Las Vegas.

She tries to see the patriarch, now 89, at least once a week.

'My relationship with Joseph Jackson is very complex, you never know what you're gonna get with him, it's either gonna be good or it's gonna be bad. It can start out good and turn out bad. It's just like a rollercoaster. He fusses at me, I fuss back.

'There have been people who have witnessed my father and I's relationship, it really is a trip, we should have our reality show.'

Joh'Vonnie's book 'Bastard Child' is available for order from Amazon  
