Keanu Reeves and Jennifer Symes Love Story Ended with A Tragedy

Keanu Reeves, one of the internet’s most loved celebrities, has been rarely linked romantically with anyone despite constantly being in the spotlight for decades. However, that changed in May 2019 when he went public with his relationship with girlfriend Alexandra Grant.

A source told Life  & Style magazine in April 2022 that Keanu Reeves was ready to propose to girlfriend Alexandra Grant. 

“Keanu isn’t hiding the fact that he’s going to propose to Alexandra,” the source said. “His friends know how happy he’s been, he’s talked about making Alexandra his wife and he was recently spotted ring shopping in West Hollywood.”

Keanu Reeves and his girlfriend Alexandra Grant worked together on his book 'Ode to Happiness.' (Source: YouTube)

The source further added that this is the easiest relationship for both Reeves and Grant. “They just flow well together, they mesh perfectly. Maybe it’s because they’re mature, stable and know what they want from life.”

With the news of him possibly getting married, fans are happy for the Matrix star. Many have also grown curious about Reeves’ past relationships, including his late girlfriend, Jennifer Syme.

Keanu Reeves & Jennifer Syme

Reeves was previously in a relationship with Syme, whom he met at a party in 1998 thrown for his rock band Dog Star.

The two hit it off immediately and began dating. It wasn’t long before Syme became pregnant with a daughter, whom the duo named Ava Archer Syme-Reeves.

Keanu Reeves with late girlfriend Jennifer Syme. (Source: Instagram)

Unfortunately, Reeves and Syme lost Ava to stillbirth in their eighth month of pregnancy. The loss took a toll on their relationship, and they went their separate ways shortly after.

Still, Reeves and Syme maintained an amicable relationship.

Jennifer Syme’s Death

Two years after the death of her daughter, Syme too passed away in April 2001. Syme, who had worked as David Lynch’s assistant, got to know Marilyn Manson during one of their works.

After they became friends, Manson invited her to a house party. After noticing that Syme had partied out, he designated a driver to take her home.

But when she reached her home, she began returning to Manson’s party while driving her Jeep Cherokee. On the way, she hit three parked cars and was flung away from her seat.

Syme was pronounced dead at the scene around 6:20 a.m. Her mother later accused Manson of causing Syme’s death, claiming he had supplied her with cocaine and encouraged her to drive while inebriated.

Manson released a statement in response to the lawsuit. “Words cannot express the pain I feel over the loss of Jennifer Syme’s life. After Jennifer was sent home safely with a designated driver, she later got behind the wheel of her own car for reasons known only to her. Her death is sad and tragic.”

People reported that Reeves only learned of Syme’s death after calling the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office. The two had also had brunch together, just a day before her unfortunate passing.

Reeves has since talked about her death on several occasions. In a 2006 interview with Parade, the actor shared his feelings about the loss.

“Grief changes shape, but it never ends,” he said. “People have a misconception that you can deal with it and say, ‘It’s gone, and I’m better.’ They are wrong. When the people you love are gone, you’re alone.”

Reeves also noted that he wasn’t trying to be alone and that he would eventually get married and start a family of his own. Just that he needed time. 

And from the looks of things, he might finally be ready to take those steps.
