Jain Global Is Hiring PMs for These Trading Strategies

While founder and CEO Bobby Jain is still raising capital, and the final tally won't be known for months, investors and other industry professionals believe the firm could launch with as much as $10 billion. 

But how will he deploy that capital, and what kind of investment talent is Jain targeting to put it to work? 

While on the road pursuing funds, Jain has been giving prospective investors a sense of what he's thinking. The longtime Millennium and Credit Suisse executive is leaning into his background in equities, according to information from a recent investor document. 


According to the document and sources briefed on the investment strategy, once fully deployed, Jain is expecting to dedicate 25% of capital toward fundamental stock-picking strategies. Another 20% will go toward equity arbitrage, a bucket that includes trades like index rebalancing and merger arbitrage.

The next-largest strategies are macro (20%) and credit (15%), with commodities and quant strategies estimated to make up the smallest allocations.

A spokesman for Jain Capital declined to comment. 

Jain has been filling out his executive and leadership stable since July, when his exit agreement prohibiting him from hiring ran dry. He's landed executives from an array of backgrounds, including hedge funds like Viking Global, Citadel, and Elliott Management, and banks like Bank of America, Barclays, and Morgan Stanley.


Jain is expected to start trading with investor money in July 2024. But its recruitment of portfolio managers and other investment talent is already underway and will only ramp up from here, especially as industry noncompetes now typically exceed six months and can last as long as two years in some strategies, according to hedge fund recruiters. 

ExodusPoint, which launched with a record $8.5 billion in 2018, hired over 100 people in its first year, including 50 portfolio managers.

Jain could hire as many as 70 investment teams once fully deployed, and he's targeting 15 to 20 portfolio managers for his top strategy, fundamental equities, according to the investor document. Townie Wells, a former PM at Citadel's Ashler Capital, is CIO of equities in the Americas, and Paul Enright, a former Viking senior portfolio manager, has joined as chairman of the unit. Adam Wangner recently joined as global head of linear equity risk and will straddle several equity strategies. He was previously a PM and head of central risk management at a multi-strategy fund within Morgan Stanley Asset Management. 

The firm is expecting to have double-digit PMs in equity arb, macro, credit, and commodities and fewer than 10 in quant. 


Quant, which includes algorithmic trades like statistical arbitrage, is the smallest estimated allocation and targeted PM count, which makes sense for a couple reasons. On one hand, quant strategies are viewed as more stable, and having it in the mix can unlock better pricing and leverage for other strategies. But it also requires patience — the technology and research required to get from-scratch systematic trading operations off the ground is intense compared with trading traditional stocks and bonds. 

"Your quickest time to market in systematic equities, it's two years," one senior quant hedge fund recruiter said, adding that three years was a more likely target for such strategies. 

Moreover, the clock is already ticking on hiring quant talent. Jain may be launching in July, but noncompete sit-out periods for quant investment talent now commonly last 18 months to two years. For top-tier talent, in many cases you'll be waiting till 2025 unless they're already sitting out a noncompete and willing to renege on the deal they signed with another firm. 

Jain hired Peter Bolland, a former PM at Quantbot, as CIO of quantitative strategies, and Anton Merlushkin, a Credit Suisse executive, as head of quant modeling and analytics, according to their LinkedIn bios. 
