Pattie Mallette Is Justin Bieber's Mom with Whom He Had a Pretty Nonexistent Relationship

Pattie Mallette is the mother of one of the world's best-selling music artists of all time and a best-selling author in her own right.

Pop star Justin Bieber's mother, Pattie Mallette gave birth to her son at the age of 19, and for years she and her only child were estranged.

Pattie Mallette's childhood, she revealed in her best-selling book "Nowhere but Up: The Story of Justin Bieber's Mom," was a horrific carrousel of abuse that started at the age of 3

Justin Bieber and Pattie Mallette at "The Comedy Central Roast of Justin Bieber" in 2015 in Los Angeles | Source: Getty Images


26-year-old singer/songwriter Bieber has 144 million followers on Instagram alone and has been a star since he was 12 years old. For the last 14 years, his relationship with his mother has been fractious, and at one time he described it as "pretty nonexistent."

The rift between the two seems to be healing, especially since Bieber's conversion to Christianity, and his marriage to Hailey Baldwin -- but what now brings mother and son together, once drove them apart.


Pattie Mallette's childhood, she revealed in her best-selling book "Nowhere but Up: The Story of Justin Bieber's Mom," was a horrific carrousel of abuse that started at the age of 3, after her alcoholic father left her mother.

The tiny girl was first sexually abused by someone close to the family that Mallette will not name, and she was subsequently the victim of several abusers. Mallette reveals:

"I was sexually violated so many times that as the years went by it began to feel normal."

The abuse also installed in Mallette the belief that she was an unlovable "dirty" girl, and the solely responsible for the horrors visited upon her. By the age of 14, she was drowning out the pain with alcohol and drugs.

By 16, Mallette was on her own, supporting herself through petty theft, and occasionally dealing in drugs. At this time she was in a relationship with Jeremy Bieber, the man who would become the father of her only child.


But the emotional pain of her abuse and the instability brought about by the drugs and the drink took its toll. At the age of 17. Mallette threw herself in front of a truck in an attempt at ending her life and was taken to a psychiatric ward.

While in the hospital, Mallette found a new foundation for her life in the Christian faith, and strength in forgiving her abusers. But after she left the hospital, she fell in with her old friends, including Jeremy Bieber, and resumed the relationship.


Mallette was just 18 and pregnant, and unable to count on support from her family. Determined to have her child, Mallette sought refuge in a home for single mothers, and after Justin's birth, she applied for government assistance.

Mallette went back to school while working part-time, earned her high school diploma, and went on to college on a scholarship, and earned a degree in website design. Meanwhile, her son was showing a precocious talent in music, a talent Mallette encouraged.


Videos Mallette had posted on YouTube to share Bieber's talent with relatives went viral and caught the eye of a music producer, and the rest, as they say, is history. Bieber grew up in the limelight, and adolescence proved to be a trying time for mother and son.

"I was distant because I was ashamed. I never wanted my mom to be disappointed in me and I knew she was."


In 2014 Bieber reaffirmed his Christian faith by a Pentecostal baptism, after having a born-again experience. His newfound faith became a bridge for a rapprochement with Mallette, and the two attended church services together and even went on a family holiday in the Maldives.


Nevertheless, the singer has made a point of bringing his family and Baldwin's together for holidays, surrounding himself with the big happy family he always dreamed of.
